Our professional craftsmen will quickly perform high-quality gypsum wall installation works of any type – wood and metal structure framework construction and cladding with gypsum plates, hanging gypsum ceiling and modular ceiling construction.
We perform high-quality ceiling and wall puttying, painting, plastering and decorative painting works. Wallpaper gluing as wel as wall and floor tiling work.
If painting work cannot be performed in the workshop, our painters and climbers are specially trained and certified for work in special circumstances, in compliance with the strictest technological, work safety and environmental protection requirements.
After processing almost 200 000 m2 of concrete floors over 21 years, we have obtained practical experience that we continue to develop by expanding our services to fit the needs of our customers. We provide consultation to customers, assisting them in selecting industrial floor materials and laying floors.
In cooperation with Tikkurila we offer special coatings for concrete floors in conditions of increased mechanic, chemical, thermal load, as well as aesthetic coatings.
Using unique HTC SuperfloorTM diamond grinding and polishing technology, we preserve the authentic appearance of concrete, obtaining a smooth, abrasion-resistant, shiny, serviceable, anti-static and multi-functional floor that can serve eternally without additional chemical treatment.
We offer solid wood board and parquet floor grinding and treatment with a protective coating.
We use special equipment, abrasives and protective coatings for wood floor treatment.
We ensure rapid performance schedules, quality and warranty.
Our achievements
Since 2000, we have been constantly evolving – working, learning and listening to our customers’, thus realizing that with our work we can improve not only the company, employees and customers, but also the environment. We are really proud of what each of our team members, specialists and professionals has achieved during these years.

KRASO is one of the leading paint trade and finishing service providers in Latvia and neighboring countries, with over 24 years of experience.
We are passionate about colors!
We know everything about colors!
We fight against dullness, boredom, and, most importantly, indifference!
We are a team that knows and believes in what we do!
Our Team